About the Artist

Photography: I’ve been a photographer for many decades and have explored many different genres of photography. I got my first taste of photography back in the 1980’s with Kodak instant cameras as well as the classic 24/36 exposure 35mm roll film cameras. While attending Faulkner State Community College (now Coastal Alabama Community College) in Bay Minette, AL, I enrolled in an “Introduction to Photography” class. I was so intrigued with the entire process of capturing each scene as well as developing the exposures in a dark room. That experience really ignited my passion for photography. Years later, I transitioned to digital cameras. That enabled me to be able to capture as many exposures (shots) as I wanted, wherever I may be—be it outside in the yard, at a local park or in a far away country. As one who loves to travel and explore new areas, I'm sure to take my camera with me and capture those awe inspiring scenes as I come across them. Some of my photography affiliations include the New York Institute of Photography (NYIP) and the Professional Photographers of America (PPA).

Having a passion for both photography and digital artistry, I resolved to combine both of these outlets as a means to express myself creatively. The Fine Art Expressions here represents my desire and passion to do just that. As I eluded to in the intro on the home page, I see art as much more than just a scene to behold. Rather, art can be a catalyst that can bring about positivity, spark ideas and even be an aid that fuel one's drive.

My artistic process: Oftentimes, I’m asked, “Are your expressions photographs or are they paintings?” My response: depending on the piece, it's a combination of both! I let them know that each scene—nature, travel or scenic is first captured photographically by me. In addition, each abstract, cultural or non scene piece is designed by me digitally. From there, each expression goes through a 50+ step process to transform them into their finished digital painting state. Through trial and error over the years, I have developed my own unique process that enables me to be able to more fully express my creative vision for each piece and I'm thrilled to be able to share that vision with others to enjoy.

Throughout the years, I have made my expressions available to art loves both locally at art fairs and related events as well as across the United States via my website and social media outlets. It’s always a thrill to have the opportunity to have wholesome conversations regarding my artwork. I look forward to every opportunity that I have to do so.